


They build a fairer future with Scoby

A powerfull community
to help you grow

They build a fairer future with Scoby



Michael Jimoh
Michael Jimoh

At Beepo, we are developing a web3 multichain social media platform that simplifies the onboarding process to web3 without the need for prior blockchain knowledge. Our platform will make it easy for users to interact with the blockchain, including making transactions directly via chat without the need for a third-party app or wallet. Our product aims to eliminate the complexity of web3 and make it accessible to everyone, not just those with a technical background.

Social Equity, Diversity & Inclusion


SPORA Seaweed

Ibrahim Diop

SPORA aims at empowering coastal communities to produce sustainable seaweed-based fertilizers. The main objectives include self-sufficiency, improved livelihoods, environmental stewardship, and a trusted brand. Services provided include knowledge transfer and training, financial support, and methodology sharing. Future plans involve branding and marketing assistance, quality assurance and certification, and market access. Interesting partnerships and projects related to seaweed cultivation and fertilizer production are also mentioned.

Reuse, Repair, Recycling & Waste management

Alga Seaweed
Alga Seaweed
Alga Seaweed

Alga Seaweed

Ibrahim Diop
Ibrahim Diop

At Alga, we develop and apply innovative technologies for the cultivation, harvest, and processing of seaweed to maximise the value of the stock. We source and supply both dried seaweed stock and finished seaweed-derived products.

Reuse, Repair, Recycling & Waste management


Positive Planet US

Michael Hopkins
Michael Hopkins

Positive Planet US is on a mission to empower tomorrow's small business entrepreneurs in underserved communities throughout the U.S. by providing training, mentoring, and financing to help achieve inclusive, sustainable development, economic growth, and employment.

Healthcare, Alternative Medicine & Wellness



Michael Hopkins
Michael Hopkins
Todd Hansmann
Todd Hansmann

SOPAX is an eco-friendly cleaning capsule that eliminates odors, toxins, and the hassle of toilet care, ensuring a fresh and clean bathroom experience. But we didn't stop there. We wanted to make a meaningful impact on the environment with SOPAX. With SOPAX, we've developed an advanced microencapsulation technique and bioactive mycelium into the capsules.

Healthcare, Alternative Medicine & Wellness


Africa Recycles

Ibrahim Diop
Ibrahim Diop

AfricaRecycles aims to build a group of organizations for waste collection, sorting, and recycling in Africa. The project's value proposition includes providing negotiated purchasing prices, sales channels, specialized equipment, financing, expertise, and support for bidding on large tenders. The mission is to gather over 20 organizations in multiple African countries, cover major cities, and win government contracts. The operations involve a unified brand and website for waste collection and payment.

Reuse, Repair, Recycling & Waste management